All listed below are graciously donated by Catharine Elder Barnes and abstracted by Peggy Adams Russell ******************** ******************** ******************** (Jarboe-Buchanan) Breckinridge County Herald-News, Hardinsburg, Kentucky Article dated December 1963 JARBOE-BUCHANAN WEDDING --- Miss Linda Louise JARBOE, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy JARBOE, and Mr. David Willard BUCHANAN, the son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. BUCHANAN, Sr., of Silver Spring, Maryland, (in Montgomery County), were united in marriage in a double-ring ceremony by the Reverend Raymond Farrar at the Hardinsburg Baptist Church on Saturday afternoon, December 7, (1963). Maid of Honor- Miss Violet PATTERSON, a college roommate of the bride Bridesmaids: Miss Alice Bell THOMPSON, cousin of the bride Miss Beverlly BRADEN, cousin of the bride Flower Girl- Little Miss Mary Allyson TIMBIE, niece of the groom Best Man- Ed DAVIS, college roommate of the groom Ushers: Donald N. TIMBIE, Jr., nephew of the groom Ralph JARBOE, brother of the bride Organist- Mrs. Jack CHAMBLISS Soloist- Mrs. Paul BEAUCHAMP Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the church social room. Miss Barbara Lea TIMBIE, niece of the groom, Miss Bettye HARRISON and Mrs. Barbara OWEN served cake and punch. Miss HARRISON also registered the guests preceding the ceremony. After a wedding trip to West Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. BUCHANAN will be at home at 24 Victory Drive, Hamilton, Ohio. ____________________________________ Peggy Russell and Dana Brown ******************** (Johnson-Carman) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper Article dated September 2001 DOUBLE WEDDING IS HELD AT BUTCH JOHNSON HOME --- MR. AND MRS. DARRELL JOHNSON  MR. AND MRS. MARK SMITH      Bobby and Faye CARMAN of Hardinsburg announce the marriage of their daughter, Salina, to Darrell JOHNSON of Louisville.  Darrell is the son of Butch and Carolyn JOHNSON of Vine Grove (Kentucky).      Bill and Sondra CORNWELL also announce the marriage of their daughter, Kim, to Mark SMITH of Louisville.  Mark is the son of Alfred and Hazel SMITH of Louisville.      The double wedding took place at the JOHNSON home in Vine Grove on Saturday, September 1, (2001). __________________________________________ Peggy Russell and Dana Brown ******************** (Johnson-Bowman) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper Article not dated BOWMAN-JOHNSON --- Hardinsburg (Special) --- The wedding of Miss Carrie BOWMAN and Mr. Leonard JOHNSON of New York City, took place Friday at 11 a.m. March 1, (____) at the Wilburn Hotel, Cannelton, Indiana (in Perry County). The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. ROBERTSON of Tell City, Indiana, (in Perry County). Mrs. ROBERTSON is a sister of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. JOHNSON will make their home in Tell City, until May, and will leave for New York City. ____________________________________________________ I could not find them, and I could not find their marriage record. ____________________________________________________ Peggy Russell and Dana Brown ******************** (Johnson-Burdette) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper Article dated Easter Sunday 1956 JOHNSON-BURDETTE WEDDING --- A very pretty wedding was solemnized in Trinity Evangelical and Reformed Church in Landisburg, Pennsylvania, (in Perry County) on Easter Sunday at 2 p.m. when Martha E. JOHNSON, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. JOHNSON was united in marriage to Samuel J. BURDETTE of Hardinsburg. The Reverend Paul R. Wright of New Berlin, former pastor of Landisburg charge, assisted by the present pastor, the Reverend Donald F. Geschnindt?, performed the double-ring ceremony. Matron of Honor- Mrs. Jesse STEELE of Carlisle, Pennsylvania Best Man- Glenn JOHNSON, brother of the bride Buddy JOHNSON, nephew of the bride, lit the tapers The bride is a graduate of the Green Park Union High School, and the groom is a graduate of Breckinridge County High School. The bride and the groom are both employed at Hunts Crystal Plant in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. They will live at the home of the bride's parents for the present. Immediately after the ceremony, a reception was held at the bride's home. Mr. BURDETTE is a brother of: Katherine BURDETTE of Owensboro Mrs. John PATE of Hardinsburg also a nephew of Mrs. James H. SAHLIE of Cloverport Mrs. Adrian WALKER of Laramie, Wyoming Mrs. Lura CRITCHELOW of Leitchfield ___________________________________________ Blain Cemetery, Jackson Township, Blain, Perry County, Pennsylvania They have a double tombstone: BURDETTE, Samuel J. born 01 April 1930 in Hardinsburg, Kentucky died 26 Nov 1996 (I could not find where he died) They lived at R.D. 3, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. BURDETTE, Martha E. JOHNSON born 02 April 1936 in Kentucky died 26 August 1965 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania She has a death certificate on file at Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania Court House. Certificate #077415-65; the daughter of John William JOHNSON and Edna L. GUTSHALL. A Married; housewife; Wife of Samuel Jolly BURDETTE, the son of Zachariah BURDETTE and Effie J. McClellan of Kentucky. (I never did find their marriage record) __________________________________________ Peggy Russell and Dana Brown ******************** (Johnson-Bruce) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper Article dated August 1994 (this article was very hard to read) MISS JOHNSON AND MR. BRUCE WED IN DOUBLE-RING CEREMONY --- The wedding of Miss Stephanie Alice JOHNSON and Roy Lee BRUCE was solemnized Friday, August 5, (1994) in the Irvington Baptist Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Billy JOHNSON of Irvington, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Betty Jo VANHORN of Illinois, and the late Donald BRUCE of Irvington. The reverend Harold JONES, pastor of the church, performed the double-ring ceremony. Appropriate Nuptial music was provided by Soloist Shirley Gail BARGER of Guston. Matron of Honor- Mrs. James CLARK of Irvington, sister of the bride Bridesmaid- Ms. Lois SMITH, of Brandenburg, cousin of the bride Flower Girl- Miss Mary Beth SMITH, cousin of the bride Best Man- Roger BRUCE, brother of the groom Groomsman- Donnie MATTINGLY Ushers: Danny SEARS, cousin of the bride Doug SEARS, cousin of the bride Ringbearer- Master Craig SMITH, cousin of the bride Following the ceremony, a reception was held at Irvington Elementary School. (I can't read the next paragraph-it lists the names of those who served at the reception) The couple is residing in Louisville, while Stephanie completes her final semester at the Spalding University School of Nursing. ________________________________________________ Peggy Russell and Dana Brown ******************** (Jolly-Barnes) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper dated January 1926 SCOTT JOLLY MARRIED TO MISS BARNES OF TEXAS --- Announcements have been received in Breckinridge County of the marriage of Scott JOLLY, of Paducah, Texas, to Miss Lottie BARNES of Franklin, Texas. The wedding was solemnized in a double marriage ceremony at Wichita Falls, Texas. The other couple being G. M. YOWELL and Miss Mildred WILSON. Mr. JOLLY is the son of J. M. JOLLY of Paducah, Texas, and a brother of Mrs. David PULLEN and Mrs. Gilbert GALLOWAY of Breckinridge County. The bridegroom was born in the county, and moved to Texas when he was eighteen years old. The Paducah Post is giving an account of the marriage, Stated: "Mr. JOLLY is a large landowner, farmer, and stock raiser in the north part of the county, having a large body of land on Tongue Rover about twelve miles northwest of Paducah. Everyone who knows him is his friend. He has made good at every undertaking he has begun, and is known far and wide as a splendid business man. Miss BARNES is one of the teachers in the primary department of the Paducah Schools. She is a wonderful character, highly educated, and a girl that makes friends everywhere she goes. Not only is she beautiful, but her accomplishments are without question. Both she and Miss WILSON were among the favorites with the teachers, as well as the pupils of the school." ******************** (Jones-Brown) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper Article dated August 1999 MISS BROWN AND MR. JONES SOLEMNIZED VOWS AUGUST 21 --- The marriage of Miss Shannon Marie BROWN to Mr. James "Ronnie" JONES both of Ashland, Virginia, took place on Saturday, August 21, (1999) at First Baptist Church in Ashland. The Reverend Robert Thompson of First Baptist Church, officiated at the 2 o'clock ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John and Becky BROWN of Ashland, and is the granddaughter of Mrs. Jenny HINTON of Hardinsburg, and the late Mr. Jeff HINTON; and the late Mr. and Mrs. William and Evelyn BROWN. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Randy and Eleanor JONES of Ashland, and is the grandson of Mrs. Rosa FOX of Ashland, and the late Mr. James FOX; and the late Charlie and Rosa JONES. Maid of Honor- Missy BROWN of Glen Allen, Virginia, sister of the bride Bridesmaids: Tracey JACONSKI of Glen Allen Toni ROCCIA of Warsaw, Virginia Nikki ANDERSON of Mechanicsville, Virginia Best Man- Randy JONES, father of the groom Groomsmen: Chuck ALEXANDER of Mechanicsville John JONES of Ashland Brock DAUBERMAN of Ashland Ring Bearer- Brandon MILLS of Ashland The reception was held at the Hanover Arts and Activities Center in Ashland. The rehearsal dinner, hosted by the groom's parents, was held in Ellis Hall at First Baptist Church. __________________________________________ Peggy Russell and Dana Brown ******************** (Jones - Armes) ARMES - JONES Wedding - 1964 A pretty wedding ceremony was that of Thursday morning at the Grant Memorial Methodist Church when Miss Joanne ARMES and Robert Wayne JONES, exchanged marriage vows in the presence of the immediate families. The Reverend Norman O'Neal, pastor of the church, officiated with the double ring ceremony. Attendants were Miss Patsy STINNETT and Mr. James WOLFE. Mrs. JONES is the daughter of Mrs. Vivian ARMES, and Robert is the son of Mrs. Mildred JONES, all of Cloverport. Both are graduates of the local high school. Mr. JONES is employed at the American Olean Tile Company. The young couple left immediately following the ceremony for a trip to the Smoky Mountains. They will reside here, and had their trailer home ready for occupancy on their return from Tennessee. ******************** (Jones-Beard) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper dated 1883 Article was typed --- Willie S. BEARD and Miss Kate JONES were married at the home ofMrs. Chas. (Charles) MILLER of near Hardinsburg on January 25, (1883). _____________________________________ Breckinridge County Marriage Book-15 Page-378 Married on January 25, 1883 Kate JONES and William S. BEARD _____________________________________ Peggy Russell ******************** (Jones-Basham) Tri-City Times Newspaper, Kentucky dated February 4, 1981 MISS ZULA BASHAM IS BRIDE OF CLYDE JONES, LOUISVILLE --- In the presence of the immediate family, Miss Zula BASHAM of Louisville and formerly of Lodiburg became the bride of Mr. Clyde JONES, also of Louisville, Thursday evening, January 28, (1981), at 7:00 at the Hazelwood Baptist Church in Louisville. Mrs. Jenny BASSETT, cousin of the bride and Mr. Clyde JONES, son of the groom, were the only attendants. The Reverend Robert Langdon performed the ceremony. A beautiful reception was held at the groom's home by his children. They will reside in Louisville. ******************** ( - ) ********************