All listed below are graciously donated by Catharine Elder Barnes and abstracted by Peggy Adams Russell ******************** ******************** (Dailey-Basham) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper dated August 1986 JAMIE BASHAM, MATT DAILEY ARE MARRIED IN PENNSYLVANIA --- The wedding vows of Jamie Mareline and Matthew Jonathan DAILEY of Grove City, Pennsylvania were solemnized at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 26, 1986 at Harbison Chapel in Grove City. The Reverend Ivan Davis officiated the double-ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Marsha HOWARD of Millwood, Kentucky and James BASHAM of Hudson. The bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald DAILEY of Grove City. Maid of Honor- Miss Ramie BASHAM of Millwood, Kentucky, sister of bride Bridesmaids: Ms. Linda HENRICKS Ms Debbie COPELAND Ms. Nancy Ebel Best Man-Tim Knauff, of Pennsylvania, friend of groom Groomsmen: David COPELAND of Pennsylvania Robert BAILEY of Pennsylvania Mark COPLELAND of Pennsylvania Flower girls: Janette DAILEY Tiffany WOMER Serving at the reception: Maggie BENNETT Amy BENNETT Lavonne RITEHEOUR Barb DAILEY Guest register- Miss Jeanne DARCANGELO Providing appropriate wedding music at the organ was Kurt Covert of Harrisville, Pennsylvania who accompanied Soloists Marrian Sautter and Barry SPIKER, both of Grove City. Bob SCHEER of Franklin, Pennsylvania also presented a violin Solo. ******************** (Davis-Carman) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper Article dated October 4, 1979      Miss Sheila CARMAN, the daughter of Ms. Jacie CARMAN, Harned, and Mr. Raymond CARMAN of Locust Hill, and Mr. James Franklin DAVIS, the son of Ms. Wilma DAVIS of Frankfort, and Mr. Tom DAVIS of Hardinsburg, were united in marriage on Friday, August 10, 1979, at 6:30 p.m. at the Hardinsburg United Methodist Church.  The Reverend Lucian Hall officiating at the double-ring ceremony. Escorted to the altar by her brother, Mr. Robert (Bobby) CARMAN. Maid of Honor- Miss Debbie CLARK, friend of the bride Best Man- Mr. Tommy DAVIS, brother of the groom Ushers: Mr. Tom KLEINDORFER, of Bloomington, Indiana, brother-in-law of the bride Mr. David RAMSEY of Louisville, brother-in-law of the groom Miss Michele CARMAN, sister of the bride, registered the guests Wedding music was provided by Mrs. Juanita ALEXANDER, organist, and Mrs. Kathy TABOR, Soloist      Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the church basement. Those serving were: Mrs. Mary Edward HENNING, friend of the bride Mrs. Jenny CRITCHELOW, friend of the bride Mrs. Sandy RAMSEY, of Louisville, sister of the groom Mrs. Jeanne KLEINDORFER, of Bloomington, Indiana, sister of the bride      The couple is residing in Hardinsburg. ******************** (Davis-Boeck) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper Article not dated JANICE DAVIS MARRIES DALE BOECK OCTOBER 26 --- Janice Marie DAVIS and Dale Robert BOECK were united in Marriage at 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 26, (____)? at Saint Francis of Assisi Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. Father James M. English Officiated the double ring ceremony. Janice is the daughter of Percy DAVIS of Franklin, Kentucky (in Simpson County) and Ms. Irene DAVIS of Harned, Kentucky (in Breckinridge County). The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald BOECK of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The bride-elect, escorted to the altar by her brother, Tim DAVIS. Maid of Honor- Ms. Mary COMPTON, of Leitchfield, Kentucky Bridesmaids: Ms. Cara HESS of Harned Gala CUNNINGHAM, of St. Louis, Missouri Flower Girl- Beth DAVIS, of Stinnettsville, Kentucky (Breckinridge County), niece of the bride Best Man- Dan BOECK, of Milwaukee, brother of the groom Groomsmen: Dean BOECK of Russellville, Kentucky (Logan County), (brother of groom) Darrell BOECK of Milwaukee, (brother of groom) Ring Bearer- Jody COMPTON, of Leitchfield Immediately following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Bethesda Hall. The bridegroom is a graduate of Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, and is an Inventory Control Specialist at Northern Telecom, Inc. in Raleigh, North Carolina The bride-elect is also a graduate of Western Kentucky University, and is a Software Applications Engineer at Northern Telecom, Inc. After a honeymoon to Charleston, South Carolina, the couple returned to Raleigh where they will reside. ___________________________________________________ I could not find their marriage record, and the needed year they married. ___________________________________________________ I did find Dale Robert BOECK'S father: & Donald Arthur BOECK (born and died in Greenfield, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin) born 18 Apr 1932 died 24 Oct 2017. He has a single, white, upright, marble Military tombstone. He was in the Korean War. Buried at Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery, located at Union Grove, Racine County, Wisconsin. ______________________________________________________________ Peggy Russell and Dana Brown ******************** (Dawson-Beavin) Hancock County (?Hancock Clarion) NEWSPAPER, Hawesville, Kentucky dated February 8, 1912 WED AT HAWESVILLE --- Jesse BEAVIN and Miss Annie L. DAWSON, who reside near Cloverport, were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. BOWLING in this city (Cloverport) on Wednesday night by the Reverend Mr. Gillette. The bride is the sister of Mrs. BOLING. Both the bride and groom are well known and popular. --- Hancock County Newspaper --- ___________________________________________________ (Notice two different spellings of BOLING / BOWLING in article). (no record of their marriage license in Breckinridge County.) Peggy Russell ******************** (Deacon - Avitt) newspaper not dated MISS DELLA DEACON AND J. E. AVITT, MARRIED Lodiburg, March 10, (Special) --- Johnnie E. AVITT and Miss Della DEACON, both young people of this place, surprised their friends here with their marriage, which took place in Louisville. The ceremony was said in the Central Christian Church at 3 o'clock, Saturday afternoon, February 23rd. The Reverend Albert Nickol, officiated. The bride and groom were met in Louisville by Mr. and Mrs. H. L. HALL, who accompanied them to the church to witness the ceremony. Following the marriage, a wedding supper was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. HALL. Mr. and Mrs. AVITT returned to Lodiburg the following morning, and were entertained at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. AVITT, to a turkey dinner on Tuesday evening. Invited to dinner with the guests of honor were: Claud GRANT of Stuttgart, Arkansas Paul GRANT Mr. and Mrs. George SMITH Mrs. Mary NORTON Miss Bell NORTON Messrs Keith and Robert NORTON Willie THOMPSON Mrs. AVITT is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. DEACON. She has assisted her father in the merchandise business for a number of years. Mr. AVITT is engaged in farming with his father, C. L. AVITT. ******************** (Dean - Atwood) newspaper dated 1963 IMOGENE ATWOOD WEDS WILLIAM DEAN SATURDAY EVENING Miss Imogene ATWOOD, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl ATWOOD of Cloverport, and William DEAN of Lexington, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben DEAN, of McQuady, were united in marriage Saturday night, December 29, (?1962) at the McQuady Baptist Church by the pastor, the Reverend George Bausum. The bride is a graduate of Cloverport High School, and the groom is a graduate of Breckinridge County High School. The couple will make their home in Lexington, where the groom is employed with Ecton Supply Company. ******************** (DeHaven-Blankenship) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper (article blurred, and hard to read) Article dated December 2004 AMANDA DeHAVEN, RUSSELL BLANKENSHIP WED DECEMBER 16 --- Mr. and Mrs. Tom DeHAVEN of Hardinsburg, and Nedra BLANKENSHIP and Billy BLANKENSHIP of ?Paris, Tennessee, are proud to announce the marriage of their children, Amanda and Russell. The couple exchanged vows in the "Mon Bel Ami" Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas on December 16, (2004). Family and friends unable to attend, viewed the ceremony via the Wedding Cam of the "Mon Bel Ami" webcam. After returning from their Las Vegas honeymoon, Amanda and Russell began their new life together in Pulaski, Tennessee. Russell will graduate from Murray State University in May 2005, with a degree in Occupational Safety and Health, and Amanda is currently employed as Safety ?_________ at a Frito Lay Plant in Pulaski. ******************** (Demko-Basham) Breckinridge County Herald-News dated January 12, 1967 BASHAM-DEMKO WED --- Miss Bonnie BASHAM, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred BASHAM of Kingswood, and Sp4 Steve DEMKO, of Perryopolis, Pennsylvania, were united in marriage December 31, 1966 at 4 o'clock at the Pilgrim Holiness Church at Kingswood by the Reverend William Richardson. Miss Patricia BASHAM and Mr. John BASHAM, sister and brother of the bride were the attendants. ******************** (Devine-Caringer) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper Article dated June 2006 KRISTY CARINGER, ERIC DEVINE WERE MARRIED JUNE 3 ---      Ms. Kristy CARINGER of Irvington became the bride of Eric DEVINE on June 3, (2006), in an evening ceremony at Hardinsburg Methodist Church.  The couple were joined in marriage by Brother Ken Jesse.      Kristy is the daughter of Bonnie CARINGER of Irvington, and the late Andy CARINGER of Missouri, and the late J. C. HOWARD of Irvington.  Eric is the son of Theresa and Paul BROWN of Hardinsburg.      The bride was given in marriage by Christopher CARINGER. Matron of Honor- Mrs. Tammy NIX, sister of the bride Bridesmaids: Melissa HORSLEY Kim PHILLIPS Julie SPINK Flower Girls: Kassie DEVINE Alexis BROWN Best Man- Michael SHERRON of McQuady Groomsmen: Rusty DOWELL Kevin PHILLIPS Shawn CARWILE Ring Bearer- Zachary DEVINE _________________________________________ Peggy Russell and Dana Brown ******************** (DeWitt-Canary) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper Article dated Wednesday, September (?9), 1931 COUNTY YOUNG PEOPLE WED -- HOYT S. CANARY MARRIED IN OHIO--WEDDING AT ST. MARY IN THE WOODS ---      To those who have been listening to their chimes, the early days of Autumn seem to have brought about the ringing of the wedding bells for several young people, who are either residents or native of Breckinridge County.      On the evening of July 31, (1931), the Reverend Hoyt S. CANARY, the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. CANARY of Stephensport, and Miss Norma C. DeWITT, both of Cincinnati, Ohio.  The Reverend P. H. CANARY, Jr., brother of the groom, officiating at his home in Cincinnati.      The marriage ceremony was performed in the presence of members of the two families, and a very small circle  of the bride's friends.      The groom is a graduate of the Cloverport High School, (now called Frederick Fraize High School), and later a years' work at the Western Kentucky Teachers' College at Bowling Green.  He is now a member of the senior class of Cincinnati Bible Seminary, where he has been a student for two years.  Young CANARY entered the ministry soon after his graduation from the local high school, and now has charge of the churches of Christ at Mulberry, Ohio, and South Liberty, Highland County, Ohio, and expects to continue his professional training for several years.  They will reside in Cincinnati, Ohio.      Mrs. CANARY is a graduate of Withrow High School in Cincinnati, has had Special Business training, and has also been a student at the Cincinnati Bible Seminary.  She is a musician of talent, and for several years has served the Madisonville Church of Christ as pianist.      Hoyt is one of the CANARY twins, who made a record for himself while in Cloverport High School in Scholastic Records, in Public Speaking, on the Athletic Field, and the many friends in Breckinridge County, who are interested in his future career. ******************** (Dodson-Carden) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper Article dated 1947 DODSON-CARDEN ---      The wedding of Miss Dorothy DODSON, the daughter of Mrs. Hazel DODSON, and Mr. Joe Tom CARDEN, the son of Mrs. F. R. CARDEN, was solemnized Saturday evening at 6 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. PARKS.  The double-ring ceremony was said by the Reverend I. H. Owen before an improvised altar of white flowers and white tapers. Maid of Honor- Miss Bettye Sue PARKS Best Man- Buren CARDEN, brother of the groom.      Before the ceremony two solos, "I Love You" and "Oh Promise Me" was sung by Mrs. Harold PARKS, and Mr. Burch CARDEN respectively.  The wedding march was played by Mrs. PARKS.      Immediately following the ceremony, a reception was given for the wedding party and immediate families.  The bride's table was decorated with white flowers and white tapers.  Serving refreshments were: Mrs. W. R. PARKS Mrs. Coleen HARPER      Mr. and Mrs. CARDEN have returned from a short wedding trip, and at present, are making their home with Mrs. F. R. CARDEN. _____________________________________________ Breckinridge County Marriage Book-13A  Page-24 Married on June 28, 1947 Joe Tom CARDEN and Dorothy DODSON _____________________________________________ Breckinridge County Marriage Book-18A  Page-188 Married on August 23, 1969 Dorothy DODSON CARDEN and Burch B. CARDEN _____________________________________________ Peggy Russell and Dana Brown ******************** (Dooley-Carman) (This article was listed twice) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper Article dated August 5, 1971 DOOLEY-CARMAN VOWS EXCHANGED ---      Mr. and Mrs. Wayne SPURRIER of Garfield, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mrs. Bonnie Sue DOOLEY, to Mr. Donald CARMAN, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. CARMAN of Harned.      The wedding took place Friday evening. July 30, (1971) at the home Mr. and Mrs. Alvin STINNETT, Jr. of Hardinsburg, with the Reverend J. Alton Lawhorn, pastor of the Harned United Methodist Church, performed the ceremony.  Mr. and Mrs. STINNETT were the couple's attendants.  Guests for the wedding ceremony and reception which followed included: Mr. and Mrs. Bobby KENNEDY Mr. and Mrs. Vernie R. FORD Mr. and Mrs. Barry BRUNER Mr. and Mrs. Bud WINTERS Sheriff James T. STINNETT James O, GIBSON Kenny LUCAS      Mrs, CARMAN is the office deputy in the office of Sheriff James STINNETT, while Mr. CARMAN is employed with Farmer's Implement Company in Hardinsburg. __________________________________________ Written along the side of the article: Bonnie is 1st wife of Charles P. DOOLEY, the son of Pete and Lula DOOLEY. __________________________________________ Peggy Russell and Dana Brown ******************** (Douthitt-Brear) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper Article dated March 16, 1932 MRS. JOSEPHINE DOUTHITT MARRIED TO MR. BREAR --- Mrs. Josephine SAHLIE DOUTHITT and Charles BREAR, both of this city (Cloverport), were married in Cannelton, Indiana (in Perry County), on Saturday March 5, (1932). Mrs. BREAR is the widow of the late Harve DOUTHITT, of Hancock County. This winter she and her daughter have been living in Cloverport, where the latter has been attending the Cloverport Public School. Mr. BREAR owns a farm in Tobinsbort, Indiana. _____________________________________________________________________ Peggy Russell and Dana Brown ******************** (Dowell-Carman) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper Article dated February 1965 DOWELL-CARMAN WEDDING ---      Miss Doris Lee DOWELL, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Y. DOWELL, of Custer, became the bride of Mr. Donald Lynn CARMAN, the son of Mrs. Virgil CARMAN, Custer, on Saturday, February 6, (1965). at 6:30 p.m.  The wedding took place at the Denver Chapel General Baptist Church in Louisville.      The bride wore a pale blue suit with matching hat and corsage of white carnations.  She carried a white prayer book. Matron of Honor- Mrs. Mildred CARMAN, sister of the bride Best Man- Mr. Edsel CARMAN, brother of the groom The double-ring ceremony was performed in the presence of a few friends and relatives.  The Reverend Lowell D. Baggett, officiating.      A small reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boyce HORSLEY ............................ARTICLE NOT COMPLETE....................................................completed a private secretarial course at Spencerian College.  She is now employed as bookkeeper with the Meade County Board of Education, Brandenburg.      Mr. CARMAN is also a graduate of Irvington High School, and is co-owner of Shively Insulation Company. ___________________________________________ Peggy Russell and Dana Brown ******************** (Dowell-Bandy) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper dated 1943 BANDY-DOWELL Miss Lorena DOWELL, youngest daughter of Mrs. Lee DOWELL of Irvington, and Jesse Owen BANDY, youngest son of G. R. BANDY of Irvington, were quietly married on Saturday afternoon, at four o'clock at the home of the Reverend Adrain LAMPKIN, pastor of the Bewleyville Baptist Church. They were accompanied by Mr. Roy DOWELL, brother of the bride, and Mrs. DOWELL. They will make their home on a farm near here. Their many friends wish them much happiness. _________________________________________ Breckinridge County, Ky. Marriage Book-12A Page-64 married on November 20, 1943 Jess BANDY and Lorena DOWELL _________________________________________ ******************** (Dowell-Basham) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper dated October 1978 BASHAM-DOWELL VOWS EXCHANGED --- Miss Cynthia Sue BASHAM of Irvington, and Mr. Brian Keith DOWELL of Hardinsburg, were united in marriage at 8 p.m. Saturday, October 7, (1978) in Irvington United Methodist Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold BASHAM of Irvington, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard DOWELL of Hardinsburg. The double-ring ceremony was performed by the Reverend Tyler WILLIAMS of Louisville. Organ music was provided by Miss Valarie YEISER who also accompanied Mrs. Mary Rollie SHILTS, Soloist. Given in marriage by her father. Matron of Honor- Mrs. Debbie WATHEN, sister of bride, of Simpsonville, Kentucky Best Man- Mr. John MILLER of Hardinsburg. Ring Bearer-Master Brian WATHEN, nephew of bride The reception was held following the ceremony in the church social room. Serving the guests: Mrs. Cheryl SIPES, Louisville, sister of groom Mrs. David ALLEN of Harned, sister of groom Mrs. Karen BASHAM, sister-in-law of the bride, registered the guests Out of county guests were: Mrs. Charles CRABTREE and Mr. Robert WATHEN of Simpsonville, Kentucky Mr. and Mrs. R. A. WATHEN of Louisville Reverend and Mrs. Tyler WILLIAMS of Louisville Mr. and Mrs. Richard SIPES of Louisville Mrs. Betty BURDETTE and Miss Grayanne WINN of Louisville Miss Brenda BURDETTE of Lexington, Kentucky Mr. and Mrs. Bruce CONOVER of Elizabeth, Kentucky Following a honeymoon trip, the couple are making their home in Irvington. Showers honoring the bride and groom were given by: Mrs. Karen BASHAM and Mrs. Barbara BROWN on October 1, 1978 Miss Grayanne WINN and Mrs. Betty HAWKINS on Friday, October 13, 1978. ******************** (Dowell-Beard) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper dated August 12, 1931 BEARD-DOWELL --- Miss Clytia Myrtle BEARD and Mr. Layman DOWELL of Irvington, was married in Hardinsburg Saturday morning, August 6, (1931) by the Reverend C. D. Owen. Miss BEARD is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. BEARD. Mr. DOWELL is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Will DOWELL of Rosetta. The mother of the bride accompanied them, and she and Mr. Haynes TRENT were witnesses. We wish them happiness. SIGNED----A FRIEND ******************** (Dowell-Cashman) Unknown Kentucky Newspaper Article dated July 1978 TAMMY DOWELL MARRIES MARK CASHMAN JULY 14 --- Miss Tammy DOWELL and Mr. Mark CASHMAN were united in marriage at 8 p.m., July 14, (1978), at the Irvington Baptist Church, Irvington. The Reverend J. B. Simmons officiated at the candlelight service. The bride is the daughter Mr. and Mrs. William Lee DOWELL of Irvington. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray CASHMAN, Jr. of Webster. Music was provided by Mrs. Pam SIMMONS. Miss Rhonda ROBERSON (?ROBINSON) of Floyd Knobs, Indiana, cousin of the bride, was soloist. Given in marriage by her father. Maid of Honor- Miss Faye DOWELL, of Irvington, sister of the bride Bridesmaids: Besa/Resa ROBERSON, of Floyd Knobs, Indiana, cousin of the bride Lorraine CASHMAN, of Webster, sister of the bridegroom Norma ROBINSON (?Roberson), of Harned, sister of the bride Flower Girl- little Miss Whitney Lee ROBINSON (Roberson?), of Harned, niece of the bride Best Man- Eddie ANTHONY of Irvington Groomsmen: Ricky CASHMAN, of Webster, brother of the bridegroom Kevin CASHMAN, of Webster, brother of the bridegroom Richard CARTER, of Louisville Ring Bearer- Master Brian BUTLER, of Guston, cousin of the bridegroom Following the ceremony, the reception was held in the church's Fellowship Hall. The servers were: Miss Leota BARNARD, of New Albany, Indiana, aunt of the bride Alene/Alane DOWELL, of Hardinsburg, Sister-in-Law of the bride Glenda DOWELL, of Hardinsburg, Sister-in-Law of the bride Sherry CASHMAN,of Webster, Sister-in-Law of the bridegroom Miss Paula KNOTT, of Irvington, kept the Guest Register After a wedding trip, the couple will be living in Webster. ********************